Meet the app

On this page we present the mobile app screens and their features. We will also present future developments for the mobile app. If you would like to know more about the mobile app calculators go to the menu and select app calculators in the Mobile app menu

  • Goals

    the Goals screen explains the goal of each action. Each action will be connected to a goal. Future developments: additional pages with goal statistics and projects.

  • Search Actions

    the Search Actions screen presents all the actions in the app - you can search the screen to find an action that you can do - if you click on an action it will give you more detailed information

  • Action Detail

    the Action Detail screen shows you how to perform an action and gives you more background - it also shows you the goal, the type of action (stick-to-it or an to do), the benefit and the calculator - you can also go to a third party website for more details. If you hit the tracker button it will add the action to you list of actions.

  • Action Tracker

    the Action Tracker screen shows all the actions you are working on - you can mark an action completed by left swiping an action and clicking the checkmark. When you select open or done you will only see the open actions or the completed actions. If you tap an action you can edit your performance. With the + button you can add an action.

  • Action Tracker Detail

    the Action Tracker Detail screen helps you to select an action and to track it. You scroll to the right action and select it, then you select the type. Each time you perform an action you hit the + button. Good job! You can also add your savings and add notes. Do not forget to save each time you track your performance. You can also add an event to your calendar with the calendar button on the bottom.

  • Performance

    the Performance screen shows your savings and number of actions you have performed - you can share this with your family and friends by clicking on the share symbol on the bottom.

  • Idea

    the Idea screen gives you the opportunity to share an idea with our team - if you click the button you will be forwarded to a google form. You can also go to our YouTube channel to see action movies.

    Future development: in app form, add actions yourself, add movies to our YouTube channel.

  • About

    the About screen explains the app and the 2 types of actions: the stick-to-it and the to do - the screen also has buttons to donate for futher developments and to send us an email with your suggestions. The WWW button leads you to this website.

  • Tic-Tac-Toe

    the Tic-Tac-Toe screen is just for fun, you have to invite a friend to play with you, because when we play we play together!